Feb 24, 2007

The Tax Man

So we just did our taxes. Or, more accurately, had our taxes done.

We're getting money back this year, but less than before. In fact, it seems like every year we're getting back less money. This year, though, it's because I apparently didn't pay any federal taxes, so there was nothing to get back. I know that means I got more money during the year, but since I've already gotten used to spending it, that's not much relief.

I suppose we'll just have to get used to the idea of not having that fat tax return we were used to the first few years. So long home improvements.

At least tax time provides an opportunity to hang out with our old friend Jay. It's a yearly tradition -- he comes over to do our taxes, we buy him Chinese food. We gave up trying to pay him real money long ago (he constantly refused it), so now we pay him in MSG.

Yeah, I know they say there's none in there, but come on.

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