Jan 19, 2008

Book Keeping

Is that right? Or is it supposed to be one word, like "bookkeeping"? Or "bookeeping", with only one L? I could look it up, but lately I've noticed that the ability to look up anything at any time has effected (or is it "affected"?) my memory in much the same way a calculator dampens the math skills of a 6th grader. Meaning, since I don't use my brain for it, I've slowly become dependent on the machine.

As a result, my ability to recall facts without electronic help is dwindling. It's not bad yet, but noticeable enough to make me consider deleting my bookmarks for wikipedia and dictionary.com

And once they're erased from my computer, I won't remember them.

Anyway, to business -- some of the links have been updated. I may add more later, but for now everything should take you where it says it will.


Anonymous said...

Thanks, Jerome for the Blog Linkin' Action!

Ben Hatke said...

You should ask Bill Powell about the Medieval Art of Memory. These guys, with their grotesque hygene and pie-plate sized buttons (I speak here of the Medievals, not the Powells), they took memorization seriously and their methods were not that insanely difficult.