Feb 27, 2007

February Strikes Back

Yesterday was that day. You know the one. Everybody has them now and again.

Those days where all the crap that didn't happen during the other days happens. Often on a Monday. And strangely, more than one would expect, during February.

Mine was yesterday. It started with a toilet backlash -- my daughter woke me up to tell me there was water all over the bathroom floor. Turns out the town was cleaning a sewage pipe at the crapshack next to our house, and in the process excess pressure just "happened" to cause all the other toilets on that line to expel water. All over my bathroom floors.

Then the internet went down. I spent literally half the day on the phone with tech support walking through process after process trying to eliminate possible problem areas. They would "fix" something, I would hang up, and half an hour later it would be down again. It didn't help that every call back included a 5 minute wait before talking to a person, and that our only house phone is a cheap K-Mart cordless that needed to recharge every 20 minutes or so, giving me about 15 minutes to reiterate the problem, walk through the first few basic steps, and then attempt some new solution with each new tech.

Know what the problem was? The old gray phone cord.

Which is strung all the way around the room. Stapled to the wall.

After we finally got everything figured out I had only about an hour to do work, and no time to prepare for the karate classes I was teaching last night, which had its own annoyances. One parent who hadn't paid yet sent an envelope in with their kid, but having missed a couple classes, they opted not to pay the full monthly price, despite the fact that that was not an option. Also, the adult class was moved, for the time being, into a new room just barely small enough to be officially too small.

And finally I came home and worked all night.

The worst part about it all is that yesterday will follow me for the rest of the week: I still have to mop the bathroom floors, pull out the old phone wire and restaple the new one, have a DSL tech come to our house and repair the inside line, write a letter to the miscreant parent, find a solution to the "small dojo" problem, and make up all the work I missed during evenings and on Saturday.

Thank God it's almost March.


Mike said...
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Mike said...

Wow. February has nothing to do with it. IT'S LENT!!!!

That's right, for the next 40 days, you get to suffer for the Lord. In addition to the trials and tribulations He'll send your way (for the sanctity of your immortal soul), you ALSO get to make an additional 40 day long sacrifice to include some favorite of yours while being forced to eat salads or fish on Fridays because red meat is strictly VERBOTEN!!!

And guess what? In exchange for all the crap-water you left lying around on your bathroom floor, the amateur staple-job you did on your outdated phone line, the poor purchasing choice you made with that cheap-ass cordless phone, and putting up with unscrupulous miscreants you get GRACE POINTS that you can then use to fill your own soul or the souls of others!!!

Yay Lent! It's time for a spiritual enema!

Anna said...

Yeah! Andy you have a blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

It's definitely February. It's the worst friggin' month of the year. Besides the fact that my Mom dies on Valentine's Day, February's ALWAYS the month when the weather makes a last ditch effort of shit on us with ice and unpredicted snow falls. Or super-cold blasts of Artic air for a week. Yeah, with the exception of a few friends' b-days, and Jason and my dating anniversary, the whole month is a steaming (or freezing) pile of crap cakes. Bring on the happier month of March.